Assessment 1: Readiness Dashboard

In this assessment, please answer the following 20 questions to complete your career’s readiness dashboard.  The dashboard includes the five dimensions discussed in Live for a Living.  These five dimensions can either propel you toward or hold you back from your ideal career.

Instructions: Please read each statement carefully and indicate your level of agreement using the scale provided below. Choose the response that best represents your opinion.

Your Employer’s Role

1. Larger companies offer more opportunities for professional development compared to smaller companies.(Required)
2. It would be difficult to reject a lucrative offer at a prestigious company even if I knew it would not be a growth opportunity.(Required)
3. I want to impress my family and friends by working for a prestigious company.(Required)
4. When selecting an employer, the company’s prestige and salary I receive are more important than the work I do.(Required)

Your Emotional Responses

1. My employer is responsible for providing opportunities for career growth.(Required)
2. My employer’s career development programs will maximize my career goals.(Required)
3. If I work for a prestigious organization, I do not need to worry about professional development.(Required)
4. Long tenure with one employer is the best way to manage one’s career.(Required)

Your Emotional Responses

1. I am uncomfortable with ambiguity in my career.(Required)
2. I would prefer to not take risks or explore new career opportunities.(Required)
3. Once employed, I believe you will have the best career if you remain committed to that company throughout your career.(Required)
4. I believe it is naïve to think you can like what you do for your paycheck. No company pays people to be fulfilled.(Required)

Your Beliefs

1. I do not think it is possible to really enjoy one’s job. After all, work is called “work” for a reason.(Required)
2. I believe the best careers happen when you stay with a single employer for many years.(Required)
3. Once employed, I believe you will have the best career if you remain committed to that company throughout your career.(Required)
4. I believe it is naïve to think you can like what you do for your paycheck. No company pays people to be fulfilled.(Required)

Your Life’s Circumstances

1. I don't know how my family responsibilities and personal obligations will impact my career.(Required)
2. I have a lot of unproductive debt (e.g., credit card bills).(Required)
3. Having debt won't influence my career choices.(Required)
4. I don't know how my personal circumstances, such as family responsibilities, will influence my career decisions.(Required)

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