Assessment 2: Self-Awareness of Career Values

In this assessment, please answer the following 12 questions to build self-awareness around three values discussed in Live for a Living that will influence how you manage your career.  The goal is to build awareness so you can better manage your career to align with your values.  There are no right or wrong answers.

Work Centrality

1. My most important achievements are work-related.(Required)
2. My work is central to who I am as a person.(Required)
3. I would be bored without my work.(Required)
4. My work is a priority in my life.(Required)

Achievement Orientation

1. My friends would say that I have a high level of ambition.(Required)
2. I set lofty goals for myself and expect to achieve them.(Required)
3. When it comes to achieving my goals, I don’t quit.(Required)
4. I like to be labeled as an “ambitious” person.(Required)

Comfort with Work-Life Overlap

1. It does not bother me to work a bit when I am on vacation.(Required)
2. I can become close friends with my colleagues from work.(Required)
3. I am never fully “off” from work.(Required)
4. I think about work during my nonwork time (e.g., vacations, weekends, evenings)(Required)

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